Black mesa source coop
Black mesa source coop

black mesa source coop black mesa source coop black mesa source coop

Now Save the Synergy Maplist with all the BMS Maps AND Synergy maps on it. All map names should be in descending order just like you found them when you opened it. Now go back to your BMS folder, and find the "Maplist" in that folder.įifth, Once you found both "Maplists" in the two folders, Open up both, and copy paste ALL the names from BMS Maplist onto the Synergy Maplist, Check to make sure you didn't combine any two map names, otherwise you won't have access to either map. Black Mesa, previously known as Black Mesa: Source, is a fan-made remake of the original Half-Life.The ultimate goal of the mod is to recreate the original Half-Life from the ground up, using the advanced capabilities of the Source engine to create a new and more engrossing in-game world with more varied, complex environments and more challenging, realistic gameplay. In order to play BMS on Synergy at all, you have to.įirst, Go to your OS Synergy>synergy, and find a file called "Maplist" !! This is important.

Black mesa source coop