Fallout 4 x02 power armor location
Fallout 4 x02 power armor location

Use the terminal and load the FM 52.7 holotape, then transfer the file of " America the Beautiful" to the relay tower. When the holotape is unlocked, head to relay tower 0SC-527.

  • Connie's confession, on the table, points to the password's location it can be found in the hole in the wall behind Connie, in the form of the cigarette paper atop a pack of cigarettes.
  • fallout 4 x02 power armor location

  • With Hacker 3+, the holotape's encryption can be broken to immediately unlock it.
  • fallout 4 x02 power armor location

  • With Hacker 1+, a password list can be generated in the holotape to hack it like a standard terminal.
  • Find Connie's corpse in one of the interrogation rooms and pick up the FM 52.7 music catalogue holotape from the table, which will be locked and must either be hacked or unlocked with a password. Next, head to the BADTFL regional office. Afterwards, use the terminal, extend the satellites and load the AM 810 holotape, then use the following options to transfer the files of " Stars and Stripes Forever" and " Battle Hymn of the Republic" (only one selection is needed.) The Radio AM 810 signal will become available afterwards.

    fallout 4 x02 power armor location

    Locate the body of Richie near the relay tower terminal and take both the AM 810 music catalogue holotape and Richie's note, then read the note.

    fallout 4 x02 power armor location

    Connie's note can also be found underneath the holotape.įrom there, head to relay tower 0MC-810, located northeast of the store, which will be guarded by hostile Enclave remnants. 1, located on a table beneath a Black Devil poster on the store's entrance level. Speak of the Devil is a quest in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "X-02 Power Armor".Īfter the quest starts, head to Wattz Consumer Electronics and pick up the holotape The Black Devil vol. The following is based on Creation Club content and is not canon.

    Fallout 4 x02 power armor location